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New Montana Gallery Exhibit

Community Closet is proud to unveil our annual bathroom theme redecoration, Exhibit: Montana Gallery; an immersive private intra-disciplinary experience. It will be unveiled between 2 – 5:30 pm on Friday, August 25 to kick off the Fourth Friday Livingston Artwalk. Stop by to enjoy the exhibit before heading downtown to enjoy the Livingston Gallery Association Artwalk.

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and present by recontextualizing iconic images and symbols representing both domestic and wild themes. The art has been culled and curated from donations to reflect the poignant but everyday conjunction of our region’s history, landscape, and development for human use.

The exhibit illuminates our changing economic landscape by layering plat maps of subdivisions, Montana license plates, iconic interpretations of nature, Western culture, mining, fishing, hunting, Native Americans, National Parks, and wildlife including controversial wolves and Yellowstone bison. The tapestry of the exhibit reveals layers of previous interior designs to infuse the experience of performing habitual ablutions with the discovery of fragile historical strata.

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All work is priced for sale. Ask staff if desired item is hard to reach. Come in for a private showing, and purchase pieces of the Montana Gallery for yourself.

Community Closet is located at 416 East Park Street in Livingston and is open daily from 10 am to 5:30 pm. Phone 222-6200 with any questions.

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